Armbar Error Society

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The modern Armbar Error Society logo first established in 2013.

Armbar Error Society is the home base of operations for all kinds of eFeds and other projects, like the one you're on now! It was established in 2011, with Derry, ElBeardy, Girly, TBK and Stardy all banding together to make a place for all eFeds to coexist under one roof.

AES As An eFed Community

Before AES, many members on the website primarily used imageboards for eFeds, with others sticking to traditional forum-based text eFeds. From 2008 to 2010, there were two notable imageboard eFeds. The first was /W/WF on 420chan's /wooo/ and the other ACW on Wrestlechan, which a wrestling focused imageboard and a alternative to /wooo/ at the time. In AES lore, these federations became "Whirlwind Wrestling Federation" and All Star Championship Wrestling, two big independent federations that existed before World Wrestling Armbar.

2011 - Founding

In 2011, Derry, ElBeardy, Girly, TBK and Stardy banded together to create the Armbar Error Society forum. It was created with the intention to a forum to host and organize a variety of eFeds and provide an alternative to using imageboards and Skype for the projects. Derry named the website Armbar Error Society after World Wrestling Armbar and the tendency for Livestream to crash with a large ERROR message, and as such the original name was stylized as Armbar ERROR Society.

2012 - Domain

The website started using the Invisionfree domain up until 2012, where with Derry's help a domain was purchased and it became Several months after the new domain name change, a full hosting package was purchased and DanBDanielson learned how to use Dreamweaver in one night to create the first official AES stream page. 2012 and early 2013 saw a big rebranding of AES, with dedicated Twitch and Livestream channels being created and even a new logo being designed and introduced. World Freestyle League ran for an entire year, starting a lot of major angles that still have impact to this day, and the all-female federation Roses of Sports Entertainment changed how AES viewed fed production. It was a time of great prosperity and creativity for a lot of people on AES, despite some major hiccups along the way. AES's very first supershow in 2012 with F-Mania, and 2012 also saw the introduction of National eWrestling Day. an AES tradition that has only grown as the years went on.

2013 - Fed Drought

2013, commonly referred to as The Drought, is widely regarded as AES's worst year. While the year wasn't a total loss - federations like Casino Nights Wrestling, Insanely Brilliant Wrestling, and ProWres held the AES banner high with consistent high-quality products along with the conclusion of the very first Golden Triad Tournament, a reoccuring trios tournament held by Super Awesome Pro Wrestling - a general sense of malaise and discontent among the community lead to very little forum activity, dwindling federation activity, and high tempers all around. Life had hit and fast, hiatuses and delays become commonplace, and the community suffered for it.

2014 - Revival and Radio Armbar

2014 saw a revival of AES, with the fallout of supershow AES Renaissance and new federations such as New Origin Wrestling, Total Distortion Wrestling, United Wrestlers of Tonight, and Zenith Pro Wrestling joining the website. This upswing of activity helped bring several people out of the funk that 2013 left on the community as a whole and with TDW and NOW's focus on new characters, new names were built and inserted into the AES Universe. ZPW gave the established names some ground to pick back up from where they left off, and UWOT planted the seeds for one of the biggest storylines in AES history. Along with that, the second Golden Triad Tournament was held.

2014 also saw the start of many new media features being added to the website. Radio Armbar was introduced in May, a 24/7 radio station that played an archive of past and present of AES themes, as well as a platform to allow live podcasts to be broadcast to the world. Radio Armbar is still maintained to this day[1] and further helped expand AES as a multimedia website with room for all kinds of creative projects.

2015 - A New Forum, Discord, & The AES Network

On March 5th, 2015, an attempted anti-spam measure designed to clear out a backlog of bots attempting to register for the forum accidentally wiped the username database, leaving everyone on the website without an account. While no posts were lost in the process, unfortunately all the personal messages with sensitive information like booking plans and sign ups were lost, leading to a moment of grief that occurred in the moment. However, a negative quickly turned into a positive when it was agreed upon by the admins that now was the time to upgrade the forums, an issue that had been considered for a long while. With that, the new AES forums were created within 24 hours and unveiled to the public, and that has been AES's home base ever since.

In 2015, following a long discussion with several estranged and current members, it was agreed that there was again some discontent in how the community had become. The primary methods of communication at the time were the forums and Skype, and Skype was not enough for group chats with how large the community had grown over the years. Eventually, the solution was found - Discord, a lightweight chat program designed with larger communities in mind and the ability to add several text channels separated by focus as well as voice channels that could be joined and left at any time. The community took to Discord almost instantly and it is an integral part of AES today.

Towards the end of 2015, the AES Network project was unveiled, a place where past and current AES shows and supershows could be archived and a solution to copyright issues with shows being uploaded to Youtube. YouTube copyright strikes had proven more and more difficult to work with, so with an Amazon S3 server in place, the goal was to archive as much of AES as possible while still adding new content every broadcast. The AES Network is still in use to this day and has hundreds of videos and hours of content.

NOW: A Journey Through Time, the 2015 PPV/Supershow of the Year was also a massive event for the website as the past, present, and future of the Armbar Error Society was shown and felt at the event. Not to be left behind, but the first ever AES: Over The Top event was held in that same year, a show with major federation implications as the winner of the Over The Top rumble would win a championship shot in any fed of their choosing.

2016 - AES App

In 2016, an AES Android app was developed as a way to provide a centralized hub for all AES properties and websites under one simple-to-use interface. While it originally had an RSS feed of recent website announcements, this feature has since been deprecated, though it still remains a convenient place for access to the forums, Radio Armbar, the Twitch channel, and the AES Network.

2016 was also the first year where National E-Wrestling Day featured guest feds, showcasing the ever expanding growth of the website.

2016 also saw the iteration of the first Exciting Battle of Los Angel-AES tournament, which proved to be a pinnacle star making tournament and showcase for newer talent for many names looking to be established.

2017 - AES Live!

2017 saw a lot of changes within the early months, with a community survey being sent out and as a result a major staff team restructuring effort going through. It also saw the creation of this very wiki, but the biggest change within those early months was the shift from the URL "" to[2] While the Armbar Error Society name was still in place, AES Live was meant as an easier way to show the website to the public as well as be a neater URL in general. With that came the effort to use the YouTube again as it had fallen by the wayside when the AES Network was introduced.

In February of 2017, National eWrestling Day 5 happened, the largest National eWrestling Day to date with over 100 viewers and a total running time of nine hours stretched over two weekends.

AES As A Fictional Organization

Early Years (1973-2001)

The Armbar Error Society was founded in 1973 and began operations that very same year.

While it was a slow climb to the top, the Armbar Error Society really found it's early footing in the mid 1980s after the federations began taking cues from the popular federation First Class Championship Wrestling. While the federations of AES wouldn't fully take advantage of what FCCW laid out in it's initial run, FCCW gave wrestling a boost that the Armbar Error Society would enjoy for those years.

1997 saw the introduction of Black Mountain Wrestling Federation, which featured a combination of wrestlers who were making their start in the wrestling industry, many of which still compete to this day, as well as elder members of popular wrestling families. BMWF kept the Armbar Error Society afloat in the late 1990s and it's influence can still be felt today.

Closure (2001)

In 2001, AES was on its last legs with the closure of BMWF. The sudden departure of Grover Tatum, one of the leading wrestlers at the time, put AES in a situation it could not climb out of. The knock-on effects of these two events, combined with a financial slump of the entertainment industry due to global events at the time, lead to the closure of AES at the end of 2001. Throughout the following 10 years, the popularity of wrestling declined with independent wrestling being the main source of the sport.

Rejuvenation (2011-Current)

In 2009, independent wrestling had a spike in popularity with the /W/WF, which was soon followed by ACW towards the end of the year and SCW the following year. The two companies had a new generation of talent which regained public interest. Laura Brennan, Lance Meszaros and Mick Spade emerged from /W/WF and moved to ACW, leading to an increase of new talent being trained at its developmental territory, which included the likes of Osakan Destroyer, Estramir Mastern and Skyler Altus.

With a new generation waiting in the wings and a new audience, wrestling became a large part of culture once again. The reinvigorated interest lead to the return of AES in early 2011 with World Wrestling Armbar being its flagship show. With the success of WWA, multiple new federations emerged over the following year.

With dozens of new wrestling shows and hundreds of new wrestling talent signing up, AES and wrestling rose the new heights, enabling the introduction of the AESPN television network, and allowing the AES's influence on the sport of professional wrestling to be felt globally.


  1. And can be listened to here.
  2. was already taken, originally by someone with a grudge against user TiffyLockhart before it was eventually changed to a redirect to an LGBTQ dating website, a redirect that has existed for almost five years.

External Links

Armbar Error Society